J.G. (JACK) BOUSKA   - Seismic Acquisition Design - Seismic Data processing QC - Updated:   17 June 2019

J.G. (Jack) Bouska,  P.Geoph.    GEOPHYSICS
Calgary, AB, Canada
1874687 Alberta LTD.

Contact email (please replace the XYZ with "yahoo", before sending): jgbouska@XYZ.com

Geophysical Trainer and Consultant, Specializing in:

3D Seismic Acquisition Design   Including:
    Onshore Vibroseis, Dynamite, Offshore OBS, OBC, and Wide Azimuth Towed Streamer.

Seismic Data Processing QC   Including:
   Project Management, Supervision and Quality Assurance.

Offering Education and Training Courses in Geophysics:
   EAGE Learning Geoscience
   Integrated Seismic Acquisition and Processing

   Next Scheduled Course: EAGE IOSC by Jack Bouska 4Q 2024

       Student Resources: link to Excel Spreadsheet with formulas/solutions for in Class Exercises.
       Student Resources: link to PDF of pages for in Class Exercises.

   2015 Course: Education Days Moscow 2015
   2015 Course: CSEG Doodletrain, 2015 Calgary
   2016 Course: 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 30 May - 2 June 2016 Vienna, Austria
   2018 Course: EAGE/SEG Workshop on Marine Multi-Component Seismic Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 30 August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    2019 Course:EAGE Education Days Houston 12-13 November 2019
    2022 Course: EAGE IOSC by Jack Bouska 21-22 February 2022

Geographic areas of experience:
   Western Canada, Beaufort Sea, East Coast Canada, USA, Argentina, Bolivia, UK North Sea, West of Shetlands, Caspian Sea, Libya, Egypt, Oman, UAE, Jordan, Kuwait, Indonesia.

Software Skills:
   Omni 3D and Mesa 3D, survey design packages, Landmark and OpendTect Seismic Interpretation software, Microsoft Office suite. Fortran and C software languages


About Me:

    My professional background spans five Oil & Gas companies, contributing to those business in a wide variety of roles,
    cultivating a deep expertise and a strong international reputation for excellence and innovation in Geophysics.
    My experience includes 3D and 4D seismic Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation, for both exploration and production prospect generation and well planning, extending across five continents.
    "Industry Recognized Expert" in both Seismic Acquisition design and Seismic Data Processing;
    On Land, Marine streamer, OBC/OBS, 4D/Time Lapse and Depth Imaging.
    Considerable software development expertise including coding production 3D pre-stack imaging programs from scratch.
    Extensive background in R&D and innovation: authoring over fifty industry publications and presentations to date, recipient of several best paper awards, honourable mentions, and best of session distinctions.
    Also an effective leader, project manager, technical contributor, team player, and a consummate communicator

    BP Project list includes:
    - Invention and early hardware/SW design and development of a low cost, light weight, small autonomous seismic recorder, (the Nimble Node),
    - Delivery of very large Sim-Source Vibroseis projects: Jordan Risha 3D and Oman Khazzan 3D Seismic Acquisition and Processing,
    - Invention of "Distance Seperated Simultaneous Sources" (DS3), an ultra-high speed Vibroseis acquisition technique.
    - 3D OBC survey design and processing on: Azerbaijan ACG & Shah Deniz, Egypt Gupco W.Morgan, N. Sea Clair & Bruce, Abu Dhabi ADMA Umm Lulu, Ghasha Butini, Umm Shaif, and ADCO Al Dibya.
    - Time Lapse support on Foinaven Farm 4D and Azerbaijan ACG_CARSP 4D, Cold Lake & Primrose 4D acquisition and processing.
    - Survey design and processing for large Argentina and Bolivia Andean Heli 3D’s,
    - Invention of the very cost effective "Sparse 3D" technique and implementation across numerous 3D projects in Western Canada Basin, including Rocky mountain heliportable, deep Devonian 3D’s.

    1976 to 1980: B.Sc. Specialization in Geophysics, University of Alberta.
    1980 to 1981: Electronics Engineering Technology Studies, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology.

    Employment History:
    BP (London, Muscat-Oman, Calgary, 1998-2015)
    Amoco (Calgary, London, 1988-98)
    Dome Petroleum Ltd (Calgary 1985-88)
    Western Geophysical (Calgary 1983-85)
    Seiscom Delta United (Calgary 1981-83)

    SEG, EAGE, CSEG, APEGA (P.Geoph.)

    Professional Distinctions, Honors and Awards:
    2015: Awarded Best CSEG Technical Luncheon Presentation of 2014
    2008: Selected as SEG Spring 2009 Distinguished Lecturer in Geophysics. This lecture: “Integrating Seismic Acquisition and Processing” was delivered at more than 40 venues, in 30 cities, across 15 countries, spanning five continents reaching approximately 2500 geophysicists world wide during 2009.
    2007: Invited to participate as a Geophysics instructor in the EAGE Short Course Programme.
    2006: Selected as a Distinguished Lecturer in the 2007 EAGE DLP Programme.
    2006: Awarded SEG’s 2005: Best Paper in THE LEADING EDGE.
    2006: Honorable Mention in the category of Best Paper Presented at the SEG 2005 Annual Meeting.
    1998: Nominated as one of the top 20 papers presented during the CSEG Geo-Triad convention.
    1997: Voted best paper, Acquisition & Processing Session, CSEG National Convention.
    1995: Awarded Best Theme Paper, CSEG National Convention.

    Seismic sensor WO EP US CN AR RU US10139506B2 John Gerard BOUSKA Bp Exploration Operating Company Limited
    Seismic Survey Method WO EP US CN RU US20180203142A1 John Gerard BOUSKA Bp Exploration Operating Company Limited
    System and method for seismic sensor response correction WO EP CA SG SG11201900211SA John Gerard Bouska Bp Exploration Operating Company Ltd
    3-Axis seismic sensor stake, system and method, Explor Geophysical Ltd. Calgary 27 Sep. 2022, US 11,454,732 B1, Co-inventor

Archive of previously published material relating to Seismic acquisition and processing: (click links for downloadable PDF versions)

  • Information on my Acoustic/Audio/HiFi hobby.
    Page owner: Jack Bouska, email (please delete the XYZ in shawXYZ -> shaw before sending e-mail): bouskajg@shawXYZ.ca